Initial assessment
It’s good to see this one back having been originally released many years ago (1974). I remember building the model in the early 1980s and was very proud of it sitting next to my de Havilland Mosquito, also from Revell in 1:32 – great days. It’s been re-released again now, this time with new decals but that’s about all – no new parts or accessories so you’ll have to go elsewhere for those.
The moulds look to have stood up quite well and most parts are cleanly moulded with the usual excess flash in abundance. Sure, the panel lines are raised, but if you want to you can always re-scribe them – easy in this scale and plenty of help in your Techniques Bank.
In my view this was always a decent model and representation on the type – certainly a bit on the basic side, especially in the cockpit but you can add as much detail here as you like, especially given the low price of the basic kit. The fit of parts was satisfactory from my recollection; certainly the end result looks good as you can see from the manufacturer’s photos of the completed model.
Probably the best thing to do is show the sprues to you here:
So, what do you think? Well, overall not too bad, basic certainly by today’s standards but then given the relatively low price of the package, not much to complain about. The cockpit looks very thin on detail, indeed decals are provided but these aren’t too convincing in this scale.
Clear parts
As you can see, the canopy and rear observer’s dorsal blister are pretty clear and usable.
Highlights at a glance:
- Subject choice – very welcome return and boxing with new decals
- Choice of open or closed engine cowl
- Engine detail
- Decal options – two varied choices
- Simple model to build and within any modellers’ capability.
Things to watch and take extra care with:
- Cockpit detail lacking but great opportunities for some scratch building
- Some excess flash on fine parts, so great care needed when cleaning them up.
Option 1 – Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IF, No.252 Squadron Royal Air Force, Abu Sueir, Egypt, May 1941
Option 2 – Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IF, No.406 Squadron Royal Air Force, Coltishall, England, August 1941
Decal quality is pretty good, the colours are solid with decent opacity; the red looks to be an accurate tone and markings are in register. No need to go to for aftermarket supplies here.
From what I can see the shape looks fine from most of the angles I have tried. After a dry-fit and taping this is unmistakably Bristol Beaufighter. There will be many smaller details that you may want to add and/or correct and good reference will help as ever here.
Well I hope that this Here Now in-box review says enough for you to make your buying decision. The package is worth the money in my opinion (just) and there is going to be a lot of modelling fun, toil, sweat and pleasure for your money.
Geoff C.