Full Review with Chris Evans
Check out our Here Now In-Box review
A note from Geoff C…
Chris has just finished his build and I thought that you’d be as excited as me to see how it has turned out and wow! What a scheme and finish he’s achieved…
Over to you Chris for your full story…
Zoukei Mura kits are something that I have never built before. The pictures I have seen have impressed me though, so when I was given the opportunity to build this I jumped at the chance. I wasn’t disappointed, the fit and engineering of the parts is superb. Throughout this build I had absolutely no issues with parts fit, I hardly used any filler at all. The level of detail is fantastic, everything is there even though an awful lot of it is hidden once the build is finished.
The kit does include clear parts for the main structures, fuselage and wings, so all of that detail can be seen if these parts are used.
Geoff has done a video review and box browse in Aircraft-Here Now-Kits so that’s worth a look if you haven’t seen what’s included in the box.
I have added no aftermarket to this kit, it is all out of the box as it comes. I used paint sets from the Vallejo Air War series:
Imperial Japanese Navy (71169) & Imperial Japanese Army (71152)
Anyway, let’s do this…