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The trees…
The next stage is the trees for which we will use sea foam. This is a dried plant sold in boxes with a good quantity of the product.
Sections were selected and holes drilled into the surface of the bank. The trees were then positioned to check the lay out.
Happy with the lay out the trees were then sprayed a grey green colour. Once dry the branches were sprayed with a spray mount adhesive and the Leaves were then sprinkled on. Once this had dried the leaves were sprayed first from below with a darker colour than used from the top to bottom spray. Different colours were used for all the trees. Try not to get the spray on the trunk and main branches.
While the trees were drying the base was painted with more browns, greens and straw colour. The rocks / stones were picked out in greys, browns, greens and blues.
The tank was now glued to the base in its position with PVA and allowed to dry. MIG pigments were now mixed with thinner and used to tie the bottom of the track to the base. Varnish was then painted into the base allowed to dry and then repeated. We now have a glossy finish to the muddy areas of the base and the tracks.