Reviewed by Bill Curtis (November 2010)
Initial assessment…
This is a ‘Paper Panzer’ based on the hull of the Tiger II but with a different glacis plate layout. The kit comes in a sturdy box with a colour print on the lid and contains 219 plastic parts, 5 clear, 21 etch, 1 length of copper wire and 2 rubber band type track links.
The parts are well moulded with some nice detail with very little mould lines on the kit I have, so clean up should be easy. You have the option of cutting off the plastic tool clamp handles and replacing with the etch brass items and this looks like a good option which will improve the look without the necessity of making the entire clamp. The tools look a bit on the small size and I would change these for Tamiya items from they’re on the vehicle set for the Panzer IV, if you can still get them.
The hull looks to be quite good compared with the Tiger II but not having a set of plans to compare it against I shall have to withhold judgement.
The quality of this kit is good and the tracks have a good detail on them and if the side fenders/guards are fitted this will hide most of them from view. The weld seams are very fine and well done and should respond well to some dark washes. The rectangular grills on the engine deck have moulded on grills which would have been better with etch but if carefully painted and washed should suffice.
The instructions come in the form of a twelve page booklet with assembly drawing which follow a logical progression to completion. The inside cover (page 2) has the layout of the sprue trees and other parts followed by the rest of the booklet with clear line, exploded views which are easy to follow. Also included are a colour painting guide with 5 views of the vehicle and a paint reference chart with the available colours/ref no by Manufacturer. There is an error here as the green colour is marked on the chart as steel metal black and is a miss print.
There are no decal supplied in the kit
This looks as if it will be a simple build straight from the box with nice detail and should therefore produce a nice model of a ‘Paper Panzer’ if care and patience are applied. I would have like to have had metal barrels with flash suppressors and a full set of engine grills in the kit but this no doubt would have pushed the price up. I think this kit would lend itself to a beginner as a good starting point into AFV modelling as well as for the more experienced builder to have fun with.
Highly recommended
Bill C.