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I now turned my attention to the intakes. This is the one area of building jets that I really hate as trying to get seamless intakes is a frustration and time consuming business and this model was no different. I deviated away from the instruction sequence here in order to ensure I got as good a fit as possible between the intakes and fuselage. Firstly I attached the outer intake around the inner intake and dry fitted it to the fuselage shell –its very good but make sure you get it the right way up. When I was happy with this fit I assembled the whole intake assembly and again this goes together well. I know decided to paint the intake interiors a very light grey and this was left to dry overnight. The intake colour demarcation between the interior grey and outer colour is a couple of mm inside the intake so some careful masking was required here. Once it was masked I painted the interior red as it would be very difficult to do once the intakes were attached to the fuselage.