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Having got the stowage for the jerry cans done, I decide to turn my attention to the fender storage. Two planks were require which would hold tarps and netting in place in the centre of each side which in turn would be secured to the fender by two right angled brackets. The only base wood I had was too thick so I drew lines on each side and then put it into my press vice. Using a sharp chisel the wood was taken down to the correct thickness being finished with a safety blade to cut and scrape, then this was followed with a sanding stick to clean up and rough surface detail. Last picture in this series shows the thinned item.
I had some left over pieces of etch and these were cut to length and then bent at right angles. Once all four were made they were glued in place with Gator Glue as I had so much trouble with my first choose of super glue which refused to work. After this was given some time to cure they were fixed into place with the same adhesive which was given a good twelve hours to set.
When I came back to the model I cut tissue paper to different sizes which where then immersed in diluted white glue and then folded before placing between the hull side and the boards. This was repeated as the load was built up on both sides. On the right side a camouflage net was added which was topped off with a smaller tarpaulin.
These were then allowed to dry after some creases were added with a tooth pick. Remember to leave for a good 24 hours.