The tub can now be added to the lower fuselage half, and the intakes which Academy have tried to make seamless but unfortunately have failed, but they are much better than the Hasegawa offering. The rear jet pipes are painted Alclad Aluminium and then sprayed with Clear Green. These are then put into place.
Undercarriage advice
Before you add the top halves of the wings you’ll need to make up the main wheel bays, this is no mean feat I can assure you so be patient and go slow here as it’s easy to slip up. You’ll also need to add the main undercarriage legs at this point as per instructions but I have seen them added afterwards in other builds.
Top and bottom become one
The one-piece top half of the fuselage is now added to the bottom and it fits very well with no filler needed. The intake fairings are added next and require some delicate aligning to eliminate the need to sand the detail away trying to get a flush finish.
The top wing sections were slotted into place with no major issues either, all that is needed are small runs of PVA down some tiny gaps between the fuselage and wing joints.