First thoughts when looking in the box is the detail looked nice and the breakdown of the kit quite logical if a little complicated given the fact that the model is broken up into 3 section, the nose, the central fuselage and the tail. There are also the options for either extended or folded wings and a nice selection of stores including external fuel tank, bombs and rocket pods.
The build starts with the cockpit. There are decals for the instrument panels but I opted to use eduard’s colour PE as not only did this replace the main instruments but it also has the side console, the seat belts and the ejection seat handles. I would not say that this is essential but it definitely makes the cockpit (small as it is in this scale) a lot more interesting. The fit of the parts is good but don’t forget to add some weight to the nose as it will be a tail sitter if you don’t. I did forget and had to drill a small hole into the front face of the front wheel well and fed lead shot into it!!
The centre fuselage section came next. At this stage you need to decide whether to have the wings extended or folded. If you want them folded you will need to remove the outer sections of the wing on the lower fuselage half.
The main wheel bay parts need to be inserted into the lower fuselage half. These parts include the rear engine face as the jet exhaust pipe runs through the wheel bay. The front turbine blades are also inserted into this lower section. The fit of all these parts is very good.
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