The build
So, on with the build and some careful thought won’t go amiss. The kit instructions call for 55g of weight and this is difficult to get into the two suggested locations (they’re just a bit too small) and so I may need to add some to the engine nacelles just behind the props (thanks Ben), or even try my magnets in the nose wheel and base approach – we’ll see how we go. In terms of avoiding a tail-sitter (B-24 models are notorious for it), you can take the simple option and add the crew access ladder that can be posed down under the rear fuselage, balancing the model on that to avoid it sitting back.
A couple of early tasks are first to label each sprue with a bit of masking tape and the sprue letter to make it easy and quick to locate given there are quite a few sprue trees. The second thing is to make a note of the Humbrol paint numbers and look these up and record them for quick reference during the build – I found this invaluable in saving time so far.
Be warned, Airfix is to be commended for adding lots of internal detail although the fact is, very little will be visible on your completed model so bear this in mind. For me this simplifies painting and construction as I have left out some of the internal rear fuselage details like the waist guns and other small details. This will also have the advantage of reducing the weight in the back half and may help my finished model sit on its undercarriage, rather than tail-sit.
I used Liquid steel weights for nose weight, securing with cyano.
Cockpit and internal assembly is rapid and I found that you can assemble pretty much everything in small sections, paint it and then build the separate nose section. There are some ejector pin marks visible but they just won’t be seen on the finished model so I ignored them.
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Geoff” – You’re off to a flyer with the Liberator build and as always I’m thoroughly enjoying studying your progress.
There’s just something so appealing about the Liberator as a model and I love this new Airfix rendition.
As Always,
Geoff Coughlin says
Thanks Paul. Plenty of detail available but not much to see on the completed model as is so often the case. GC
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Geoff” – Another build journey that’s a pleasure to follow and how well she’s now looking.
The masking alone was an intensive aspect but will pay dividends with the final look of this great model.
I’m really looking forward to the painting stages in due course.
As Always,
Geoff Coughlin says
Thanks Paul. G
Les Venus says
Nice job fella. If it had been my build though, it would have gone to the wall long ago! You’re a model of fortitude and patience!
Geoff Coughlin says
Thanks Les – new update going in this week. Feeling better about it now but for me, not the most enjoyable model I’ve built. G
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Geoff” – It’s great to catch up on your latest updates with this project.
I guess the masking of the canopy and turrets was the most tedious chore thus far?
The highlight for me is watching how those superb paint finishes and effects are created.Your hallmark superb work.
As Always,
Geoff Coughlin says
Thanks Paul, much appreciated. G
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Geoff” – She’s really coming to life now as that scheme takes shape.The decals are laying down beautifully and thank you for the ‘XF4’ recommendation regarding the spinner tips.
I’ll invest in a bottle of that.
Another superb build in progress and a pleasure to follow as always.
Rob Ruscoe says
Looks fantastic Geoff. A few challenges overcome nicely to produce a lovely replica. I should have delayed my Marauder build to pick up some tips on olive drab weathering!
Geoff Coughlin says
Hi Rob,
Many thanks for that – really enjoyed the weathering part – it’s all about layers from the off to what I do think is quite a straightforward way of creating a realistic finish. Good luck with you next one…:) Cheers, Geoff
Dai Williams says
Great idea with the front of the bombs! I shall shamelessly copy it and then claim that I thought it up!
Geoff Coughlin says
Great stuff Dai – absolutely…:) that’s what I do :) Cheers, G
Graham Thompson says
Superb build and paint job as always Geoff. Certainly not a subject I would tackle but it does look very good.
There has been an unexpected delay in my return to modelling but by the end of this week I should have my bench set up and ready to go :-)
Geoff Coughlin says
Hi Graham, thanks so much for this and all great to hear – happy modelling and looking forward to seeing your new projects :) Best, Geoff C.