Wings – and painting already!
The upper and lower wings are one-piece mouldings. It’s best to paint the wings, fuselage, tailplanes and undercarriage as separate units; it will make the assembly and painting a lot easier.
On the RAF version I did the camouflage first, masked it off and then sprayed the yellow. In retrospect the yellow is a bit too bright and an RLM 04 might have been a better choice but time was pressing on so the Gunze Bright Yellow would have to do. With the civilian version Crimson Red was required but I didn’t have anything that matched this so I mixed bright red with a bit of blue to get the desired shade; the Aluminium is Alclad White Aluminium.
Once the paint was dry the lower wings and tail could be attached and the decals added. These worked really well on the gloss and metallic surfaces so no issues there.
Now you do have the choice to add the rigging and control cables and in this scale I wouldn’t blame you for not bothering as it is quite `fiddly` but I am a glutton for punishment so I gave it a shot. I initially started with the tail surface control lines; I did have to add some control horns to the lower elevator but with a little care and some Lyrca thread they came out looking quite good. Rigging was also added to the central upper wing supports in front of the forward cockpit. The one pence coin gives you an idea of how small these models are!!!
Engine cowls
The front cowl is a separate unit along with exhausts and propellers – these are seriously small (I have just made the Tamiya 1:32nd Corsair which has a massive prop in comparison).