Here is the cockpit assembly – not totally finished yet. For the harness I annealed the etched as shown to give it a bit more flexibility. Just heat it long enough for it to change colour, any longer and it could change shape and shrink!
The assembly is straightforward. I put more colour into it in order to focus attention through the canopy. I love the way Airfix have printed the dials on the clear part which is then glued to the back of the instrument panel. All you have to do is create a glass effect using gloss paint or epoxy glue.
The Joy stick shows mostly as black in all the references I have and have twine securing the wiring running down the back. I used some rather over scale wiring for this which looks OK at a distance!!
Some progress on the interior. I must say I had to stop and do a bit of research on the interior of the aircraft as I really do not know a huge amount about the workings of the Mossie.
So most of the bits are in the cockpit now, the Cutting Edge seat belts are, I think, too thick but, to be fair, I do not have the instructions any more as they have been in my possession for 7 years are, I’m afraid now unavailable. And there is a layer that might have to be peeled off. I tried this but it started tearing so I abandoned it.
I have started weathering the interior but there is a lot to do. Each part of this model is like a full 1:48th build and takes ages!
The fuse boxes are fun to paint – you will need a toothpick to detail some of the smaller dials and fuses.
Here is the rear wheel in the down position (vis. Dave Coward’s remarks”!)