The Inner Wing Sections and Tail
The inner wing sections were slotted onto the wing spars. I did initially find that the fit of the spars was very tight so I used a sharp knife to gradually scrape away plastic on the spars, testing and fitting as I went, until the wings slotted securely onto the spars. I removed just enough plastic to ensure that the inner wing sections butted fully up to the fuselage sides and had a tight fit – in fact the fit was that tight that I opted not to remove the wings once I had test fitted them in place as they were that secure, being worried that removing them would cause damage.
The finished tail sections were also slotted into place and, as with the wings, the fit was that good that I opted not to try and separate them again for fear of damaging them.
The Undercarriage, Bomb Bay Doors and Ordnance
The undercarriage and the wheel bay doors fit without any issues and the tyres have a weighted flat moulded into them which is a nice touch.
The kit has two options for an ordnance load. Sonar buoys are common with both loads and then you have the choice of torpedoes or depth charges.
The bomb bay doors need care when being attached as they have limited attachments points, namely the single pivot tabs and 2 actuator arms.
The contra-rotating quad propellers combined with the colourful spinners are a real focal point of the Gannet. The kit reproduces these really well but be careful with their assembly as it is very easy to get stray glue into where it shouldn’t go, this will stop the spinners from rotating independently as designed.
Stuart Mackay says
Love the group photo of the mid century FAA machines, Dave!
The Gannet looks superb!
Rob Ruscoe says
Great build Dave.
I was fortunate to note the extra weight tray which Airfix fail to mention in the instructions. I can report this holds enough to prevent tail sitting.