It’s odd that Airfix give you the option for dropped flaps – well, that’s not odd just that the interior of each flap is completely devoid of any moulded detail. This is poor really, especially as the interior isn’t overly complex to mould – see the accompanying photos.
Options – well you could close them up and they fit perfectly in that position. Open them up and scratch build the interior or do as I plan to do, just have them cracked open. This will show that they are separate and look as if the air pressure is starting to bleed off as they begin to droop. The idea is to just paint the inside silver so that you’ll get just a glimpse of the inside edge, avoiding the need for any extra time spent adding detail.
Final amends before painting
For a Dutch machine the few photos I have found of the F.6 show some interesting small features. The dorsal fin blade aerial just behind the cockpit doesn’t seem to have been fitted and so the hole is filled and sanded smooth. Small whip aerials show up as a pair on the spine aft of the blade antenna location and one on top of each wing near the outer panels.
There’s a small rectangular fairing moulded on the kit spine and this is removed and sanded smooth.
I’m not sure about the design of those supplied in the kit, especially ones designed for the inner stations that carry the drop tanks. Almost all the photos I have found of any F.6 Hunters seem to show these inboard pylons as bigger than those supplied. This time, I’ll just live with the pylons supplied and it’s just a bit odd given there are three styles of pylons supplied in this kit but none are close to what’s needed on the inner stations.