Feature Article with Paul Fernandez
A note from Geoff C…
I’m very grateful to Paul F for taking on this project and showing us what can be done pretty much from the box, except for a few small accessories. His photography skills are amazing and so check out this image he has created for “Black Mike”…
Love it Paul and thanks for this.
You might like to take a look at my In-Box browse of this kit as it includes a couple of reference photos for the subject aircraft that will help you finish your model authentically.
Over to you Paul…
The Kit
It comprises of 161 parts in light grey styrene (13 in clear). It has lots of options like open radome with radar, folded wingtips, extended leading and trailing edge flaps and open or close airbrakes. It also includes array of underwing stores, dumb bombs, fuel tank and recce pod. Canopy can be posed open or a one-piece in closed position.
Decals offers two options, the all-black “Black Mike’’ of No.111 Sqn, RAF and a No.43 Squadron Phantom in green and grey colour scheme.
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