Add your lower wing
Having cleaned up the join after leaving the model to dry thoroughly overnight (normally I leave the main components after joining for at least 2 days to allow the glue to dry rock hard – but this is a Speed Build, right? The join does sand well though and I think this Airfix plastic, although a little softer than some does clean up and polish well :)
The upper wing panels fit well to the fuselage, no filling needed here. Oddly, and I can’t work out why this is, there are significant gaps in the underside of the wing tips. All a bit odd but easily remedied with a little filler – I used my now usual mix of cyano mixed with talcum powder – it’s easier to sand and goes off quicker than using cyano neat. Another benefit over neat cyan is that it doesn’t seem to crackle up when zapped with kicker/accelerator.
You’ll also see that there are raised circular moulding under each wing that are there to represent access hatches. They are way over-scale and are best sanded back and re-scribed using a template.