To wrap up the engines, the exhausts are bevelled out to a more true-scale level and painted.
The propellors and hubs get painted, the Canadian Herc’s had this bare metal blade effect.
The Sargent Fletcher underwing fuel tanks come with the pylons attached.
Before finally fitting the cargo bay ramp the PE cargo seats are pre-painted and fitted to the rear of the cabin. I thought the PE was a bit two dimensional so added some tubular frame to give them a little depth and more 3D look. One side is in the stowed position and the other is extended.
Now all the window portals are filled with Micro Krystal Klear, as the kit parts are next to unusable.
Lastly the cargo ramp itself, as I mentioned I needed to hide the fitting of this with a cargo pallet.
Two strips of styrene are attached to the ramp rear and then clamped in place to the cargo deck.
The clamps fit through the rear doors and are left overnight for best contact.
The hydraulic rams slide up into the previously fitted jacks and are glued at the length of extension you want. The cargo pallet then sits on top of the attaching styrene strips to hide them.
Alan Griffith says
Beautiful rendition of an old kit!