Engine next
The 160hp Mercedes D.III is quite a nice little thing and is easy to put together. Stynylrez gloss black is used to prime and after careful masking of the cylinder heads I can use AK Extreme Aluminium for the block. Detail painting using Citadel brass and a little dirty brown wash finished it off.
Now that the oil in the cockpit has dried, I can add the magic… Gunze Aqueous H92 Clear Orange is thinned with Mr Levelling Thinner and sprayed using thin layers on the subject to deepen the, already dark, oil. More layers.. not enough. Swapping to Gunze Aqueous H90 Clear Red I finally get that deep, rich colour I was after.
When all this is dry, the internals can be assembled. The rear gunner compartment with the seat, photo etch belts and a couple of instrument boxes. Pilot’s compartment, seat, belts, control stick, rudder pedals and not to mention the instrument panel. I haven’t mentioned the instrument panel before because I used the kit photo etch and it’s not at best. I should’ve worked with the plastic and supplied decals, would have made a better job I reckon.
Moving forward to the engine bay, this was installed with a bit of a squeeze but was ok. I nearly forgot to mention the photo etch window frames as well as the decal curtains, this finished both compartments off really well. They now look quite ridiculous, nothing like a war machine, instead somewhere to retire with a glass of brandy and cigar!
Lower wing, rudder and tailplane
Next, is to assemble the lower wing, rudder and tail plane. This is pretty standard stuff, nothing to note really. The undercart too is pretty unremarkable. I did decide to install the struts at this point to aid with paint and fitting the upper wing later. A couple of photo etch control horns and masking and I’m ready for paint.
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