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With the kit now primed and any blemishes sorted out the white recognition striped areas were painted with Xtracrylix white which is slightly ‘off white’ giving a more realistic appearance. These stripes were now masked off along with the wing roundel positions so that the black part of the stripes did not show through the decals. One other point to note is the stripes do not extend onto the ailerons. Black pre-shading was then applied along with the black portion of the stripes. These were then also masked off and Steel Alclad applied to the panels behind the exhausts. The model was now ready for the main colours to be applied. Xtracrylix sky was firstly applied. This was built up in light layers so as not to completely cover the pre-shading and therefore lose the effect. The demarcation line between the sky and extra dark sea grey was a hard line on the real aircraft so Tamiya tape was used to mask off the sky areas before the darker colour was sprayed. Next came my favourite part of a build, the removal of the masking tape to reveal your paint job. It is at this point the aircraft really starts to come together and you get a real feel for how the finished model is going to look – in this case I was very impressed.With the main paint job finished the whole model was coated with several misted on layers of Klear to seal the paint and provide the obligatory gloss surface for the decals.