Montex Masks – a real step up!
As I mentioned earlier I was using Montex masks for the marking and these include insignia and lettering. I think masking is so much more realistic than decals as tone can be added to the colour and you can get imperfections in them which again is more realistic as this could happen on the real thing. I always start with the white or lightest colour and work my way towards to darker colours. Once the national insignia were done the numbers/lettering were added – now for those Luftwaffe experts out there you will see the obvious mistake!! I placed the fuselage crosses a bit too far forward and when the `3` was added the symmetry just didn’t look right with the markings looking all pushed forward – it was too much of a job to respray all of this so I added a `dash` behind the cross which made everything look a lot better. Not historically correct but it looks ok!!