Leaving the cockpit behind for now, I decided after studying many photos that the flaperons had to be dropped. Here we can see the two parts to the flaps. The inner portion currently attached to the fuselage half and the outer attached to the wing section.
The inner sections are cut away using a PE razor saw and a fresh #11 blade. The masking tape is there in case of a slips with the saw or knife (to minimise damage).
For those of you who are nervous about hacking up your new $50 kit, here is a step-by-step guide to separating flaps/ailerons from the wing. This wing is a good example of a difficult one as the two counter balance weights need to be cut out and kept with the flaps.
Step 1: Using a knife, slowly score along the kit panel line which represents the join. Here you can see I have cut clean thru the two counter balance weights to make the separating cut easier.