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First was the application of Gunze H308 (FS36375) which is the main airframe colour. Thin coats of thinned paint (about 60/40 paint/thinner) mix were sprayed through the airbrush and again rubbed back once the paint had dried and hardened a little. You will see from the photos that I still have a final coat to do as there are still some areas where the pre shade is too prominent but I will hopefully sort this out soon.
Following the application of the first light coat Gunze H308 (FS36375) my attention was now drawn to the second and slightly darker grey used on this camouflage scheme. The second colour I use is Gunze H307 (FS36320) which is only slightly darker than the previous colour.
Before any spraying takes place, the surface is prepared with a couple of light coats of Johnson’s Klear floor polish. This acts as a varnish sealing the paint underneath to avoid any side affects that could be associated when (and speaking from personal experience) Blu-Tac and Humbrol Maskol go anywhere near my aircraft!
The Blu-Tac is rolled into thin sausages and placed into the desired shape to act as a demarcation in preparation for spraying. Humbrol Maskol was applied and left to dry. I have found in previous models that if you play around with the model while this is drying, it somehow peels the paint off underneath!
The model is now sprayed in H307 and then the Blu-Tac and Maskol removed…