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Decals & finishing
The HobbyBoss A-10A Thunderbolt kit comes with two schemes. Both are the Euro 1 Camouflage and not the two-tone grey scheme I have opted to go for. Using reference photos pulled from the Internet I found reference to the 75th Fighting Squadron, the Flying Tigers based at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, USA (this being one of the only active A-10A squadrons to have the “Sharks Mouth” applied to the front of the aircraft. I knew that the EL (England, Louisiana) Air Base has long since gone and I could not find any reference of the aircraft ever being painted grey. A few cuts with the scalpel, and I managed to change the code “EL” into “FT” (Flying Tigers”). Ok I know it is not 100% factual but it works for me! I since found out after completing the decaling that the recent Revell re-released kit has the “Flying Tigers” decal scheme included in the kit as standard.
The decals on the jet went on a dream with no major silvering, probably thanks to the coats of Johnson’s Klear that were applied previously beforehand. It is also worthy to note that the airframe was also sanded back with sanding and polishing sticks to give a nice smooth surface. This is very important to ensure the decals adhere to the surface.