Cannon ports
You can see here that I have added the gun barrels that just protrude from the gun ports, using Albion Alloys brass tube again. The kit parts supplied are lamentable, just being thin, small sticks that don’t represent the barrels at all well, the fit is easy and I just secured these using cyano and pinched in the rear ends to avoid any see-through effect. In hindsight the pinching probably wasn’t necessary.
Nose weight and closing the fuselage
Wow, that came around quickly ☺ making very good progress now. The nose weight fits well and according to our friend who contributed the build for the IPMS Mag is sufficient to hold the model down on its tricycle undercarriage – again, good news and I hope that this is the case as the Meteor is a terrible tail-sitter if ever there was one!
This is closed between the rear fuselage halves and will be movable – the plan is to slightly offset it if it wobbles!