More masking
With the masking off the fin I had to get rid of the black de-icing boot as well as tidy up some of the way the yellow worked below the fin and onto the tail planes.
The keen eyed amongst you will notice that I still got it wrong as I have extended the yellow onto the Cheyenne Turret, which is incorrect. Later you will see that I correct this oversight. Looking good though I think?
A bit of corrective action
I noticed some slight gaps where the top fuselage joins the lower. I smeared some Vallejo filler in the gaps and re-sprayed; A five minute job.
Yep it’s even more masking!
I was wondering how I was going to establish the right green for the distinctive Group identification bands on the rear of ‘The Lace’. Without prompting and right out of the blue a small parcel arrived in the post courtesy of WHITE ENSIGN MODELS of exactly the right shade of green! What a team these guys are and thank you so much for your continued support of SMN.
Once I applied the masking I used Maskol dabbed on with a sponge to reflect the notable peeling down to the metal that the green suffered. It was then on with two thin coats before removing the tape.
With the tape off all is revealed and for the first time ‘The Lace’ is beginning to reveal her true beauty. Note too in the full fuselage photo that I have removed the yellow from the Cheyenne turret. With all this done I sealed everything in Alclad Aqua Gloss; two thin coats and it was ready for the weathering.