As you saw earlier in the build I followed exactly the same technique here for the wings; pastels. I used a mix or Burnt Umber and Black Grey in some areas but mostly a mid grey worked hard into all the recessed detail with the surplus blown away then sealed with Aqua Gloss. The photographs show the contrast between the port wing that’s been treated and the starboard that hasn’t.
And out with the masking tape again
The ‘A Bit O Lace’ decal sheet offers some nicely printed squadron identification chevrons for the top and bottom wings. They are as good as a decal can be but for large areas of block colour I think that its shows too much and elected to paint mine on. So with the masking tape out again and a faded mix of roundel blue over some pre-Maskoled areas it was on with the paint. When dry and the masking all gone it looks pretty good I think.