Let me say from the off that I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this build; no that’s wrong I loved it!
Downsides first and none are showstoppers. The size is an issue it’s a real handful to manage at every stage of the build and it is very easy to create havoc in the work space and also damage the model in the process. Careful management of the process is essential and to be fair HKM realise this and suggest in the instructions a modular build. It is doable but takes special care and given this was a review sample from the Editor it made me very nervous. Don’t let it put you off just be aware don’t rush and manage your space with great care.
Second, I would like perhaps to have seen the option of symmetric waist gun positions. Especially as most of the aftermarket decal options are offered to suit this version; the one I chose included. Cost I know is an issue but I feel that at this price something might have been done. On the subject of gun positions the 50cal gun barrels in the kit are poor and need replacement. The breeches are adequate and don’t in my view need updating. I have a concern about the ammo feeds as well that to me lack the look and drape of the real thing. This coupled with some poor fittings for the waist guns is another area I would change if I could.
Something I didn’t spot until I was looking at the finished model was that the dorsal turret is too high looking more akin to a Focke Wulf Condor than the distinctly flatter profile on the B-17. It would be nice to see a replacement part for this.
The etch parts are poor; especially those for the seatbelts which are the wrong type and shape and supplied only for the cockpit. At this price I would expect to see a more comprehensive approach and there is plenty of room for etch parts throughout the build as Eduard has proved with their releases. Perhaps collaboration with Eduard as others have done might be the future for HKM?
Finally, the engines are quite poor for this scale. The cooling gills are soft and the lack of ignition harnesses is disappointing. They are prominent parts of the final build and anyone peering inside the cowlings will be a bit disappointed I expect. Certainly I wonder how Tamiya would have dealt with it and left myself drooling at the prospect!
The decals are better than the B-25 and useable but frankly one option only at this price and no stencils at all, is a poor show and a big downside in my view.
The upsides are many, not least of which is the choice of subject. The finished model looks great and even with the issues I mentioned looks every inch a B-17. It certainly re-kindled fond childhood memories of building the Airfix version and that was just fabulous. The surface detail is good albeit the rivets should be raised not recessed so here you could say is a downside? The internal detail for me is more than enough and much of which is difficult or impossible to see. Some builds that I have seen on the web are simply breath-taking and if you decide to invest in the Eduard and other sets available now yours could be too. The issue now though is one of cost which then will be approaching £500.
Painting and finishing are critical in this scale and I have completed mine as much as my skills allow reflecting a single photograph in the Haynes manual. It’s far from perfect but to me it looks a close approximation to the photograph and I believe does justice to the type and to the memories of those that flew and died in them. Would I build another, absolutely and am already tempted by the E or F in a much worn OD finish. I doubt I will ever get around to it but I would and that’s a testament to the model and I have to say overall congratulations to HKM for 10 weeks of fantastic fun and a nice model at the end.
I look forward to other models in this scale from HKM indeed the Meteor IV release is imminent (Geoff please note) as is the Lancaster which is not my cuppa tea but will have many of you running to the shops or the internet. For me, I am awaiting the promised Beaufighter, Mosquito, B-26 and Hudson which can’t come quick enough!
The bottom line here is I read so much on Facebook about this model having been purchased and “in the stash”. What I say to all of you is build it and you won’t regret a single minute it’s a super kit in so many ways.
Strongly recommended
SMN QUick Summary Star Rating out of 5
Quality of moulding | ***.5 |
Accuracy | ***.5 |
Instructions | ***.5 |
Decals | ** |
Subject choice | ***** |
Build Enjoyment | ***** |
Overall | **** |
Below are a series of images of the completed model. Click on a thumbnail to see the enlarged image.