The instructions mainly take care of the brass supplied in the kit. Some parts a very small indeed and care has to be taken during assembly. When put together they look pretty impressive.
The brass part PP96 doesn’t fit much like it is shown. Fortunately the bottom conforms more to the slope of the cabin floor. It is worth sliding the seat into position from time to time just to check for obstructions.
The starboard side is simpler except that parts PP17 and PP39 are not shown correctly. PP17 should be on the left of PP39 as in my assembly. I have had to remove some of the structure so the halves fit together but that will be invisible.
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The seat slid down OK! I haven’t fitted the controls yet as the instrument panel won’t slide in above them. There is a bit of thickness to sand off the base of the controls so that should suffice.
Don’t forget to weight the nose!! I have seen a few of these Migs supported by “steps” on the net!