At this point I now mask off some panels that are distinctly a lighter shade of green.
Stage 5 next, some post shading with a drop of white added to our Green/Khaki mix on the surfaces that would be most exposed to sun fading, atop the gearbox housings, along the spine and top of the sponsons.
Then finally stage 6, a last blending coat misted over the lot.
It is a bit hard to photograph as my thinner has a sheen to it, but once we matt back the surfaces after decals the true finish will show though.
Richard Allen says
Fantastic RAF Chinook, super detailed and great guide for my current Italeri 1/48 Chinook HC2 project. Can only wish I had that talent for building!
Al Parker says
The final build is fantastic; I’m so pleased to come across this, as I got this kit today. I’m so excited to start, but even more so with your guidance; great work.