The completed windshield area looks much improved after the preparatory blending work.
The whole airframe has now received a coat of Mr Superclear Gloss Acrylic/Lacquer Varnish in readiness for the next stage. This was applied in light coats and straight from the rattle can and made this task a very quick and easy one. Together with a vigorous shaking I always stand the can in warm water before use which helps the flow of the product and gives a glass-like finish as seen in the above photo.
With the main paintwork sealed and protected I completed the jet pipe area known as the ‘Six-Pack’.
The engine bay and jet pipes. I decided to give the airbrush a rest and use Vallejo acrylic metal paint. I applied their Aluminium colour by brush. With careful application this dries to a smooth and solid metallic finish and without brush marks or streaking.
The kit detail is quite sparse so I simply painted inside the pipes with Revell No.9 matt enamel.
The heat-staining was created with Tamiya weathering sets and then sealed over with Klear/Pledge.
Focus can now turn to the decaling stage…
The Italeri boxing provides decals by Cartograf which performed to their customary standard and responded perfectly with Micro Set and Micro Sol. When dry each decal was sealed over with Klear/Pledge by brush to protect them from the next weathering stage.
A Modeller’s Tip – Some decal sheets have a surplus and very fine stripe border around the edges. I always save them and they found good use in outlining the escape and access hatches above the cockpit area. The raised details for these were poorly defined and unavoidably lost during the preparation process.
Of note here is a small but relevant added detail – The upper anti-collision light located behind the blade antenna. Such items are not catered for or referred in the kit so the fun is in the research and what to depict them with. On the real aircraft the lights are retractable so I opted to use 1.5mm red lenses from Little-Cars. Two of the same are also located in parallel on the underside just forward of the main undercarriage bays.
The measure of the beast – 32 inches in length and a wingspan of 18 inches.
Tim Haynes says
Hi Paul,
Your XB-70 is coming along very nicely. Lovely paint job so far..
Paul Ainsworth says
Hello and thank you so much,Tim.She’s getting there now.😉👍
Jonathan Burns says
That’s an excellent article and the model is looking beautiful.
I built this kit. ( the AMT version) a couple of decades ago for Tamiya model magazine and it was a real fight, with very difficult challenges in overcoming fit problems, so I’m very impressed with the superb finish you’ve achieved – many congratulations!
Paul Ainsworth says
Hello,Jonathan – Thank you so much.That’s very kind of you to say.
You obviously know first hand the challenges of the kit.
My congratulations to you for your build and its appearance in that respected magazine.
I don’t think my build is anywhere near the standard required for that but more than appreciate being able to feature my builds here in ‘SMN’.
The final update and photo gallery of the completed model are with Geoff for adding to this feature in due course.😉👍
Tim Haynes says
Great work Paul. The approach you took with the preparation certainly paid off in the end result.
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Tim” – Thank you so much. As you know, preparation is the key with any project and with this kit it’s on a big scale.
I think that’s an off putting factor that goes against this kit equally as much as its physical size.
I can understand and appreciate that but think it’s a shame because with a little thought and input the reward is a model that does justice to this iconic and unique aircraft.😉👍
Rob Ruscoe says
A superb result that shows up your modelling skills. I haven’t built this kit but know people who have and also some that have tried and failed. It just shows that patience and preparation are vital to produce something special. Well done Paul, I hope you are going to enter this in a competition!
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Rob” – Thank you so much.
Yes the kit’s a big challenge and a marathon build in every respect.
Prior to ‘SMN’ and all I’ve learned since I would’ve run a mile from attempting a kit like this.
It’s given me confidence to attempt new aspects of the hobby including ‘weathering’,etc and has increased my enjoyment of the hobby in so many ways.😉👍