Across the finishing line…
Just short of 33 inches long and a wingspan of 18 inches…
The kit’s plastic pitot tube was replaced with a steel pin cut to size and secured with cyano.
The high-gloss finish required for the decaling stage was muted down with a final application of Mr. Superclear Matt Acrylic/Lacquer Varnish straight from the rattle can. I applied this in light coats to give a scale glow to the overall appearance rather than a pure matt finish. I considered this to be the best for the kit’s scale and physical size.
The underside in all its glory.
The famous ‘Six-Pack’ engines.
Conclusion and summary…
So here we are. Project completed.
The XB-70 Valkyrie is one of those unique and iconic aircraft that has long held my imagination and one I hoped to see in my model collection.
The only option in 1:72 scale is the currently-available Italeri boxing of the original aged AMT/ERTL kit. The kit endures notoriety in the modelling world due to its challenging fit of parts and their physical size. That said, they’re not insurmountable and just need patience with the preparatory work and endurance due the dimensions involved.
I believe the kit represents good value for money with a retail price of circa £50GBP or less.
Having (thankfully) completed the build I’m delighted I gave it a go. The input pays dividends with an eye-catching and unique model and I say to any modeller who may have this kit languishing in the stash or contemplating buying it to wheel it out and give it a go.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and looking at the completed model now I must say I‘m delighted I took the challenge on.
Thank you for viewing.
Paul A.
Tim Haynes says
Hi Paul,
Your XB-70 is coming along very nicely. Lovely paint job so far..
Paul Ainsworth says
Hello and thank you so much,Tim.She’s getting there now.😉👍
Jonathan Burns says
That’s an excellent article and the model is looking beautiful.
I built this kit. ( the AMT version) a couple of decades ago for Tamiya model magazine and it was a real fight, with very difficult challenges in overcoming fit problems, so I’m very impressed with the superb finish you’ve achieved – many congratulations!
Paul Ainsworth says
Hello,Jonathan – Thank you so much.That’s very kind of you to say.
You obviously know first hand the challenges of the kit.
My congratulations to you for your build and its appearance in that respected magazine.
I don’t think my build is anywhere near the standard required for that but more than appreciate being able to feature my builds here in ‘SMN’.
The final update and photo gallery of the completed model are with Geoff for adding to this feature in due course.😉👍
Tim Haynes says
Great work Paul. The approach you took with the preparation certainly paid off in the end result.
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Tim” – Thank you so much. As you know, preparation is the key with any project and with this kit it’s on a big scale.
I think that’s an off putting factor that goes against this kit equally as much as its physical size.
I can understand and appreciate that but think it’s a shame because with a little thought and input the reward is a model that does justice to this iconic and unique aircraft.😉👍
Rob Ruscoe says
A superb result that shows up your modelling skills. I haven’t built this kit but know people who have and also some that have tried and failed. It just shows that patience and preparation are vital to produce something special. Well done Paul, I hope you are going to enter this in a competition!
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Rob” – Thank you so much.
Yes the kit’s a big challenge and a marathon build in every respect.
Prior to ‘SMN’ and all I’ve learned since I would’ve run a mile from attempting a kit like this.
It’s given me confidence to attempt new aspects of the hobby including ‘weathering’,etc and has increased my enjoyment of the hobby in so many ways.😉👍