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With the main building completed it was time to start the painting. I usually enjoy this aspect of modelling the most but once again the red plastic was going to cause problems. I had decided to do an early red/white scheme so I had to firstly prime the whole airframe white. I used Alclad white primer with micro filler then a coating of Tamiya extra fine white primer. I needed to get quite a lot of primer down to fully cover the red plastic and this meant that some of the crispness of the panel lining was lost – not a great issue but it did mean that any panel line wash that would be used later wouldn’t settle in the recesses properly.
Once the primer was dry the main painting process begins. I usually use acrylic paints but I had decided to use Xtracolour enamels for this kit as these gave me exact colour matches. I started with the white and when dry this was masked off and the grey wings were sprayed and masked.
The red was then sprayed along with the black area in front of the nose. When the masking was removed from the intakes I got the demarcation I aimed for inside . The elevators slot in securely as do the ailerons.