Internal bays
We start with the front wheel bay, which is highly detailed on all five pieces. The slots for alignment fit perfectly and after a prime, a coat of white is all that is required.
The instructions would have you tack this together with the cockpit tub, I’d suggest keeping them separate at this stage and instead fit the wheel bay to the lower forward fuselage, once again the fit is perfect for alignment. I’m also leaving the undercarriage off for now, so nothing gets snapped off in handling.
The main wheel bays are two pieces and simply need the same treatment as the front bay.
The weapons bays are pretty much one piece affairs, with the addition of an end bulkhead and some detail in the form of accumulator tanks, ducting and circuit boxes. Watch out for the ducts, as if you look closely the two locating tabs only have one slot in the wheel bay walls, so one needs removing, best done before you paint them.
Although nicely detailed I thought as these bays would be highly visible, that they would benefit from some more detail, so added a kapton wiring loom for some contrast.
The main wheel bays need to fit to the lower fuselage first, followed by the weapons bays. Alignment is excellent and with a couple of clamps to keep them in place what was quite a flimsy fuselage begins to take on rigidity and strength.