Yes, I know we’re not fully constructed yet, but I felt the need to get some primer on the main body so I can see any problems. This dark grey plastic is not the best to highlight surface or join issues and it will be so much easier to fix matters without the wings at this stage, so primer it is.
But first a little masking – and you’d better take out shares in Tamiya tape for this project, because this is the first of many an hour to be spent in that fine endeavour.
Wheel and weapons bays, intakes, exhausts and open fuselage spaces need the Tamiya tape treatment to protect your efforts with the white paint earlier.
A quick rub with 1000 grade and a clean of the surface with alcohol swabs then on with a couple of thin coats of my trusty Mr Surfacer 1200.
When dry, a wipe with a 5000 polishing cloth shows just how much surface detail is here, check out the underside alone.