Now I come back with the second color and do some more targeted staining. For this I used Ammo’s Dark Grey PLW. This is a warm dark grey color that I thought would work well here. This is a three-step process. First, I applied the wash in a random manner over the wings. This is allowed to dry about 5 minutes, then using a stiff brush I stipple it around the surface. This is allowed to dry a good bit longer (20 minutes or so) and it’s further worked into the surface for some nice staining effect.
Up next is the intermediate blue. I’m going to weather it a bit differently. First, a wash. Here though I use the Blue Black for a more targeted pin-wash along recesses and rivets.
For the grime and weathering I’m going to use a splatter technique. I’m using Ammo’s Medium and Dark Greys here. First, place some of the panel line wash in a pallet and let it thicken up a little. Then I load and old stiff brush and flick the bristles at the surface leaving a random patter. This is going to work much like oil dots. Let it dry a bit and work it in with a brush. You can vary from a soft to stiff brush to change the blending effect.
The undersides received a Mig Light Grey PLW