I use Plastruct Plastic Weld as my primary adhesive. I had this great idea to pour some inside the horizontal tail plane and swish it around. BAD IDEA!
Another view of my bad idea. Thankfully most if it was just confined to the elevators.
I cut the damaged elevators off and used them as a template to make new ones out of plastic card stock. I was able to putty over the damage on the stabilisers themselves.
Here are the interior parts used from the Monogram kit. Also a coat of primer was applied to the fuselage halves.
Fitting of the waist gun blisters.
Here is the interior installed and painted. For the most part my rule is, if you can’t see it when I’s done, I won’t put any extra work or parts into it other than what come in the kit.
The fuselage assembled and the new elevators ready to be installed.
Dry fit of the wings and tail plane. In hind site I should have put some type of support in the horizontal tail plane as it is now sagging with age :( Also the nose and tail turrets are installed. I cheated and used the Monogram turrets where I could .
Another view.
Norbert Onaitis says
Hi John, Beautiful model of the PB4Y-2! I’m fascinated by USN, USMC and RN aircraft for the period 1919 to present. I like 1/48, except for the really huge (i.e. 2 and 4-engined) ones. I had the Koster kit, but when I saw how huge the thing would be when finished i decided to sell it and build the 1/72 Revell/Matchbox PB4Y-2 using the Cobra Company PB4Y-2 Privateer detail set. I/ve also located some aftermarket things-engines, better propellers, tires, etc, etc, etc. Whe this is finished (I’m waiting for my insurance company to OK cataract surgery-it’s difficult to do detailed modelling when you can’t see the stuff!). I like to detail the interiors as much as possible. I plan to do an early & late versions of the Hasegawa PB4Y-1/B-24 D (different bow turrets I’ll steal the late version from the Revell PB4Y-2 kit) as well as the British Liberator GR V-. I’ve got the Hasegawa Liberator GR V-the one with the Leigh Light and The Hasegawa B-24 J (Coastal Command). As usual, I wind up spending way more on all the aftermarket items than for the kit. I really do have to clean out my stash someday.