Remainder of pictures are of the completed model from several angles. Sorry for the poor background. It’s a big model to try to get all in one shot!
John N.
Below are a series of images of the completed model. Click on a thumbnail to see the enlarged image.
Norbert Onaitis says
Hi John, Beautiful model of the PB4Y-2! I’m fascinated by USN, USMC and RN aircraft for the period 1919 to present. I like 1/48, except for the really huge (i.e. 2 and 4-engined) ones. I had the Koster kit, but when I saw how huge the thing would be when finished i decided to sell it and build the 1/72 Revell/Matchbox PB4Y-2 using the Cobra Company PB4Y-2 Privateer detail set. I/ve also located some aftermarket things-engines, better propellers, tires, etc, etc, etc. Whe this is finished (I’m waiting for my insurance company to OK cataract surgery-it’s difficult to do detailed modelling when you can’t see the stuff!). I like to detail the interiors as much as possible. I plan to do an early & late versions of the Hasegawa PB4Y-1/B-24 D (different bow turrets I’ll steal the late version from the Revell PB4Y-2 kit) as well as the British Liberator GR V-. I’ve got the Hasegawa Liberator GR V-the one with the Leigh Light and The Hasegawa B-24 J (Coastal Command). As usual, I wind up spending way more on all the aftermarket items than for the kit. I really do have to clean out my stash someday.