A little base Aluminium was applied under the camouflage where weathering was to be seen.
Finally a little post-shading on the camo colours, rub back the areas masked with Maskol where the Aluminium was to show through and a final flash over with diluted Medium Gray to blend everything in…….seems to work.
Masking completely with Kabuchi tape would cost a fortune, so liberal use of Post-It notes helps save those hard earned pennies.
Once again some pre-shade on the non-fabric areas and then top coat of white. With the underwings exposed to the sea spray I left these pretty worn looking and the pre-shade coming through quite clearly.
The leading edge anti-icing bags were smooth, so all the panel line and rivet detail on the kit leading edges needs to be filled. I just brushed on liqid putty to fill the rivets.
To finish off the wing we mask off the Aluminium exposed on the central wing plate and around the frames of the landing lights.
Finally to give you a flavour for what she now looks like at this stage…
All top coats have been rubbed back with Micro-Mesh and a couple coats of Alclad Aqua Gloss applied. I have already stared the decaling on the wings, but we’ll get into that more next episode.