A major feature of the Catalina are the retractable float assemblies, in our case they will be deployed. Construction is a simple affair, but the main float spar mounts lack detail. There is a separate Eduard PE set available, but I opted not to go that far. Some simple added styrene detail will suffice I think.
The raised detail is on the outward facing side of each spar, the inner faces are already well detailed with panel lines and rivets as they become the wing skin when retracted. The keel gets the same treatment with Aluminium first, Maskol’d then overcoated in White for wear and tear.
The kit decals are not RAF so I won’t be using them at all, instead going with items from my spares box for both insignia, roundels and stencils.
Decals were applied separately to the wing and the fuselage sections, then it is all brought together to finish.
Although not needed for strength, the wing spars are added at this point.
With all the decals settled down, a sealing coat of Aqua Gloss is applied and then a panel line wash with my preferred water-soluable oil based artist paint, typically Paynes, before sealing again with a matt coat on the upper surfaces and a semi-matt on the wing undersides and main boat hull.