The decals supplied by MPM are made by Aviprint and probably the best decals I have ever applied to a model – they have every quality you could ask for – superb! Really, they are that good.
Here you can see the tools of my trade for weathering silver – some small sections of Post-It notes (very low tack pads for jotting); some ordinary pencil graphite rubbed onto a piece of sand paper, cotton bud for applying he dust to panels and a sharp pencil for accentuating some panel detail; that’s pretty much it. In fact the accompanying images for this weathering are probably better than the pics in the gallery at the end of this review for showing the subtle tones that you can get from this method.
All you do is lay the edge of the Post-It along a panel and gently wipe back from the panel several times until you get a slightly darker tone aft of the panel. This shading creates some nice tonal differences that will make your model look nice and three-dimensional. If you leave it in just one ‘silver’ colour it will often look too stark and bland – very 2-D, so that’s why I use this technique.