External tanks
The kit has 4 external fuel tanks and Miss Demeanour is regularly seen with the two inner ones attached and occasionally 4 for longer transits. I decided to use the 4 even though it meant more work as the finish on the tanks just adds to the overall scheme. The kit has decals for the white sections but if you use these you still have to paint the nose white which I thought would cause problems when matching the paint to the decal white so it was out with the masking tape. First stage was to paint the tanks gloss white; Tamiya tape was then cut to shape and added to give the star effect on the nose. Light blue was then added to the front section followed but dark blue. When dry the masking tape was removed to reveal the effect – looks good.
Once all the painting was complete everything was given a couple of thin coats of Klear to protect the paint and seal everything in in preparation for the decals. As I mentioned earlier you have two choices for the stars; pre-done sheets that cover the fuselage, tail areas and wing tips. I initially tried these sheets but I found them too big to settle down properly so I opted to use the individual stars. At first I tried to place all the stars in the correct position but I quickly got very tired of this and just placed the largest ones in roughly the correct positions and the smaller ones had a bit of artistic license with their locations !!