The rest of the build is quite forward, the only thing is that this is a big model, so make room on your hobby table.
Once construction finished the paint job could start.
Tamiya and Gunze paints did the job, but always very diluted so you need many layers.
During the paint job I already want to get some life in the colour, so many variations of the intended colour are used, finished off by a very diluted mist of that intended colour.
Given the colour scheme I did the standard (green- black green) camouflage first.
Then the masking started again for the sand and the light blue.
So when doing this scheme prepare to use loads of masking tape. Masking was done with Blu-Tack and 3M Golden masking tape.
After painting a gloss coat to prepare for the decals , the AIMS decals respond perfectly to the Micro Sol and Set fluids.
Decals are protected with another gloss coat.
Weathering is done with oil paints and the Tamiya weathering sets.