Remainder of construction
My basic mantra for detailing and painting is if it can’t be seen why bother? This means that there’s just some painting in and around the ventral gondola position.
There’s a gap around the rear cockpit bulkhead and odd this as fit is usually very good with such things from the manufacturers. Some Micro MKK fills that.
It’s not long before the fuselage is joined and the fit is pretty good.
Canopy glazing
You need to be careful assembling this – the shape is good but you still get a lip at the upper rear join with the fuselage. Little option here other than add some cyano to the join as filler and when hard sand back to get a blemish-free join.
I used some silicon car polish to restore the clarity of the clear parts.
Engines and wings
You get some thin gaps around the engine location points and I used slivers of thin plasticard to fill these. Then, all you need to do is sand, buff and polish the joins – I masked the interior cockpit opening at the front first to stop mank and muck getting inside.
You can add some smaller details like thin splitter-plate vanes inside the intakes to create a little more finesse.
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