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Day five
Just the wheels and exhausts to paint and add as well as the rigging to fit.
And here’s the finished model. The real aircraft is kept clean so I’m not weathering this model, just a coat of satin varnish.
As expected I managed to lose one window so I replaced it with Humbrol Clearfix and it’s worked well PIC 40 although this picture was taken soon after fixing it and it’s still curing. While rigging I managed to knock the tail wheel off and despite it being bright yellow I can’t find it, strike one to the carpet monster. I replaced the wheel with a unit off a Hurricane as I’ve nothing close to the original.
This photo demonstrates why I like Aeroclub elastic ‘thread’. With first my kids and now grand kids, none of which understand ‘keep off’ it’s saved me a lot of work over the years.
The ‘turnbuckles’ on the rigging is Gator Grip glue mixed with dark grey paint. It’s not the best but I’ve never managed anything more accurate, particularly in 1:72nd scale. (If you have a good system please let me know).
So there it is finished. The wing ribs do look a bit too pronounced but it would be a lot of work to correct it and to be honest it doesn’t worry me too much.
It’s been a nice easy build with no nasty surprises. A quick look on the internet shows a wide range of finishing options both military and civilian. If you consider the fact that you can use wheels, floats or ski’s you could build a wide variety of aircraft.