To the wings
Once the fuselage halves were drying, having been joined with cyano that also acts as good filler, I turned attention to the wings. These are probably the best kit parts. The fit of the separate elevators is truly outstanding and the pose-able tailplanes and rudder are also excellent. The main gear legs are not so hot though, needing filler for small sink marks and at their location with the forward fuselage. The main wing struts were OK but I am not sure about struts 17C and 16D. They just didn’t fit too well on my sample and the numbers may also not be accurate when compared to the instructions, but maybe it’s me? While on struts…the four struts that hold the top with to the fuselage looked too round and a little long, so I replaced mine with lengths of cambered strip that look more realistic.
The twin MGs in gondolas are added to the underside of each wing.
As far as rigging goes, I drilled small locating holes through the wings ready to accept very fine fishing line (the thinnest they would sell me at my local fishing tackle shop!).