Here are some of the interior painting/detailing…
Next came installing the Cheetah engine nacelles
These are resin so the usual precautions are observed when removing from the casting block. Cyanoacrylate glue was used to fix these to the wings. Once in place, I removed the rest of the engine parts i.e. the cowling and the engines themselves.
The engines were sprayed using AK Extreme Gunmetal and detail painted. They are of moderate quality so not much effort was made on them. I needed to get on with the main paint scheme, which I had been mulling over for a while. The silver scheme is a silver paint rather than a metallic finish. What I decided to do was prime the airframe in Stynlyrez grey, this was then gently rubbed down with a fine sanding stick and AK Extreme White Aluminium was sprayed to get this silver dope appearance.
Next task was to add the red bands and the Republican colours into the rudder. After some input from said friend, it was ascertained that the box scheme wasn’t entirely accurate. These bands were carefully masked, along with the rudder and sprayed with Stynlyrez white primer. The red was sprayed when dry, this colour was just Tamiya XF-7 red. In retrospect it would’ve been better to omit the white primer, as there now was a step between the red and the silver. The rudder was masked and sprayed XF-3, XF-7 and X-16 purple. These all were thinned with the new Tamiya Lacquer thinner, the one with retarder… orange cap.
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