Enter epoxy glue
Whilst I don’t use two-part epoxy glue very often, there are times it’s the perfect option. To make the glue flow more easily I warm it up in a cup of hot water for a couple of minutes.
So what am I going to use the epoxy glue for? To hold the lead sinkers in the nose cone of course. Make sure you plug up the tip of the nose or the glue with run out thru the pitot hole.
Epoxy glue is a two part glue which gives you about 5 minutes working time once the two parts are mixed. To make clean-up easy I lay down some masking tape and mix the two parts with a toothpick. When dry, I just rip up the tape and throw the lot in the bin.
The nose cone is held vertical by some Blu-Tac while the epoxy glue dries.