Coming together now
The task of masking the wheel wells has begun, with the edges being masked with tape and the main interior being covered with wet paper towel.
The shape is starting to come together now. The wingtip rails have been added, as has the rear canopy, intake and main landing gear.
The cockpit and rear canopy has been masked in preparation for painting. Humbrol Maskol liquid mask has been used to get into those hard to reach places.
Turning my attention to the main canopy, some basic detailing is needed to represent the canopy latches and grab handles. The latches are modified from a “Reheat” PE set of modern canopy details. The grab handle is fashioned from 12-thou brass wire.
The detailing and masking is now complete on the canopy. This lot will be painted a toned down black and set aside to dry.
The radome and RHAWS sensors have been painted and masked. I have to say that my least favourite thing in modeling is the masking!!
A final shot of the underside with its masking complete. The green coating on the tissue paper is Gunze Mr Mask NEO, which I have decided I do not like as much as Humbrol Maskol. It takes too long to dry and is way too hard to remove.