I used the kit decals which actually performed very well, which surprised me as normally Tamiya decals are quite thick with very prominent carrier film. This said I wasn’t impressed with the ‘NAVY’ decals on the upper fuselage which I had spent so long making sure the camouflage lined up with earlier. The grey section contrasted nicely with the blue paint but the other supposedly blue part of the decal blended into the grey and was effectively lost so you could just see part of the NAVY stencilling. I really wasn’t happy with this so I left the decals to full dry and gave them a gloss coat to protect them which was left for 48hrs to fully dry. I then very carefully masked of the blue sections of the NAVY decal and sprayed this with the blue I had used for the camouflage. The result was far better in my opinion with you being able to see the whole NAVY marking against the camouflage.