Finishing touches…
Having left the varnish to cure for 24hrs the bespoke Night Fright decals were applied, for a one off print they behaved very well and needed little Micro Sol for them to adhere to the model. These were then give another coat of gloss varnish to seal them and let to cure. A dark grey wash76.517 was then applied to the aircraft with the excess removed with cotton buds, and where appropriate it was used to add a ‘streaking’ effect on the wings. The underside also got a dark brown wash 76.514 to add to the weathering process. Exhaust staining was then sprayed using MRP-180 exhaust soot on the underside of the wings. Further oil staining was done with an ochre oil brush from Mig AMIG3515 and was ‘feathered’ using a wide dry brush. The final stage was to apply a MRP-127 Super Clear Matt Varnish to the whole aircraft before the last details were added.
The Longest Day…
Final detailing involved adding the aerial wires on the upper and lower fuselage antennas, removing the masking from the fuselage door and windows and adding the propellers and para-packs. This presentation which will be displayed with ‘night Fright’ also needed a final something. The brief was to build a model that represented her on D-day, to finish it off three Czech Master US paratroopers were painted in light grey, varnished and then given a dark wash. They were positioned on the presentation base as a ‘ghostly’ reminder of those young men that went to war 76 years ago and overnight became heroes.
James Ashton says
Excellent build and finish Richard. I have so wanted this kit in my stash and to build it. I am even more determined to add it to my collection after seeing this one.
nicolas keller says
Wonderful work!!
Craige Bevil says
That’s fantastic!
Daniel Beeden says
Fantastic build, and a very interesting history/narrative to accompany it. Inspiring work!
Sergey Kislitsyn says
Great job!! Realistic model, thx!!!