The separate tail section is also in two halves with the fin moulded in. These two halves can be joined with the rudder and retractable tail skid designed to trap between them.
(Photo: Test fit of rear fuselage halves)
When dry, there can be added a forward joining ring. If you are joining the forward and rear fuselage sections then this ring serves as a guide. If leaving the tail section separate, there is an alternative set of two rings which incorporate riveted detail for the two sections. In my case I wanted a complete fuselage and so I offered up the rear fuselage to the forward part and – it fitted perfectly.
(Photo: Forward and rear sections joined)
When set, the clean-up of the join was light and easy which preserved the rivet detail without having to re-scribe. So far, this build was proving almost too easy!
With the basic fuselage complete attention now turned to the wings. Each of these consists of upper and lower halves which are designed to trap the two piece flap sections and the aileron. These can be left free to move if desired and, in fact, this I did so they could be finally set and fixed at the end of the build. The single piece slat unit needs to have its ten mounts cemented to it before mounting to the leading edge. Photographs of the F100 show the slats usually adopted a slightly deployed position with the aircraft parked on the ground and so that is how I positioned them on the model. They can, however, be set in any position you choose.
Final additions to each wing are the fences on the upper surface – these are provided on the PE fret and need to be carefully bent into shape before super-glueing in place. Lastly there is a formation light on each upper surface and of course navigation lights on the wingtips.
Time now to mate the wings with the fuselage. There are two tabs on each wing root which engage with slots on the fuselage sides. These tabs looked very shallow at first glance but surprisingly the fit was perfect with the wings naturally adopting the correct dihedral angle. Because of the shallow tabs, I first cemented the starboard wing to the fuselage and left it to cure for 24 hours. The process was then repeated for the port wing.
(Photo: Starboard wing left to cure)
The joins were seamless with no filler required. The tail-planes also proved to be an excellent fit but after test fitting, I left these off to facilitate the painting of the rear fuselage.
After the cement had fully cured, the model was inverted for the addition of the cannon ports and the gun covers if leaving these closed. Main landing gear bays have more detail to spruce them up and the flimsy looking arrestor hook can be cemented in place. Note that this sits at an angle to the centreline of the aircraft. Also note the over-shallow wing recesses for the main gear legs.
The instructions now call for the landing gear to be assembled. These are simple units which build up nicely. Separate vinyl tyres are provided which makes painting of the hubs a simple matter. These were put to one side to be added later. The same applied to the under-fuselage airbrake which I wanted to show in the partially extended position. If displaying closed, this can be added now.
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Rob” – A beautiful final result with the big Super Sabre.
I’m looking forward to following your build feature with great interest.The cockpit detailing looks superb.
As Always,
Rob Ruscoe says
Cheers Paul
Paul Ainsworth says
“Hello,Rob” – A magnificent build of the big Super Sabre.
The tonal shading on the NMF is very effective and the characteristic heat-staining on the rear section looks just right.
The vibrant scheme markings complete a great model.
As Always,